The Most Effective Workouts for Losing Unwanted Armpit Fat
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Armpit fat workout
Losing unwanted armpit fat is an issue that a lot of women struggle with. Where slimming your waist and thighs can be achieved in many ways, armpit fat will only be lost through diet and exercise.
So before you start your armpit fat workout, it is very important to understand the causes of this stubborn fat, which are lack of cardio, poor food choices, and lack of weight training. In order to get rid of the problem once and for all, one must also ensure that he or she has healthy eating habits and sufficient exercise on a daily basis.
There are various exercises that target different areas in the body – but these popular moves will specifically help reduce stubborn armpit fat:
The bicycle crunch
This is a great move for trimming your waistline and reducing armpit fat. Lie flat on your back, with your hands behind your ears, legs extended out in the air. Lift up your upper body by pulling together your right elbow to your left knee while contracting the abs at the same time – then alternate sides just like you did when pedaling a bicycle.
The plank
Not only does this exercise help reduce armpit fat, but it also tightens and tones the entire abdomen area as well as the thighs! This is one of my favorite exercises for beginners because there’s no equipment required, yet it’s incredibly effective! You can try holding it anywhere from 20-60 seconds each time (or longer if you’re an advanced trainer).
Chest squeeze crunch
This exercise will not only help reduce arm fat but also give you a tighter and toner waistline as well as firmer, lifted thighs and buttocks! Lie flat on your back with your knees bent. Slowly lift up your upper body – bend the elbows in towards your knees without moving them from side to side.
Runner’s crunch
This is one of the most effective exercises to reduce armpit fat because it actually works out both the abs and obliques at the same time. Be sure to really squeeze those shoulder blades together to get that extra contracted feeling in the core!
Toe touch
Sit straight up (no back support needed), then reach down and try touching your toes (or as far down as you can go). Hold for 2 seconds, then return to starting position. Repeat 20 times for two sets (increasing the number of reps and sets as you get stronger).
Bench Jack
This is a great exercise that will reduce arm fat while giving you an overall toning effect on your thighs and buttocks! Try using weights when doing this exercise to increase intensity. Sit up straight on a flat bench with no back support (feet shoulder-width apart) and hands placed firmly behind your butt. Lean all the way forward until your elbows touch your knees, then return slowly back to starting position.
Back armpit fat workout
The most effective method in eliminating back armpit fat is by doing workouts specifically designed for slimming your back. These methods include weightlifting, including pull-ups and chin-ups, since the area of the back where underarm fat is stored is often targeted by these types of exercises.
Some exercises that are good for targeting your back and upper arms include:
The bicep curl
This move is fantastic for toning the backs of the arms as well as firming up those triceps. Sit on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing your thighs. Curl both weights up at the same time, bringing them towards your shoulders – lower slowly before doing another rep.
The upright row
This particular move targets the back of the upper arm more than any other muscle group! Stand straight up (no leaning or backward movement) while holding a barbell with an overhand grip with palms facing behind you. With elbows pointing down and close to the body, pull upwards until hands reach shoulder level. Return slowly to starting position before doing another repetition.
The push-up
This is one of the best exercises that specifically targets the back of your upper body, including those hard-to-tone back armpits! Try holding a standard push-up position with hands placed slightly more than shoulder-width apart and legs extended behind you on the floor – lower your chest towards the ground as far as you can then press yourself back up into starting position again. Make sure not to allow your hips to sag – they should always be slightly raised so you isolate your triceps and pectoral muscles as much as possible.
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Tricep kickbacks
Another great exercise for targeting those hard-to-tone areas in the back is the tricep kickback. Try keeping your upper body straight while leaning forward slightly from the waist – keep one foot slightly in front of the other for balance. With a dumbbell in each hand, bend both elbows to a 90-degree angle and extend them back as far as you can before returning them again to starting position.
Bench dip
For a more advanced workout, try a bench dip! With hands firmly placed on either side of a flat bench and your legs extended behind you, lower yourself as far as possible then press yourself back up into starting position.
Bench jack
This is another great upper body move that specifically targets the backs of the arms as well as toning those triceps! Sit straight up on a bench with no back support (feet shoulder-width apart) and hands placed firmly behind your butt. Lean all the way forward until your elbows touch your knees, then return slowly back to starting position.
Triceps press
This is a great move that targets the back of your upper body, especially those hard-to-tone areas in the armpits. While standing straight up (no leaning) with a dumbbell in each hand, bend both elbows to a 90-degree angle and press them upwards until they are level with your shoulders.
Triceps pressdown
This move is great for toning and slimming your back while firming up those triceps. While standing straight up (no leaning or backward movement) with a bar attached to an overhead pulley, press down until arms are fully extended then slowly return them again to starting position before doing another repetition.
Seated row
This is a great move for targeting your upper back and arms, especially those hard-to-tone areas in the back of the armpits. Try keeping your upper body straight while leaning forward slightly from the waist – keep one foot slightly in front of the other for balance. With a dumbbell in each hand, pull both weights up until they reach your chest then slowly lower them again before doing another repetition.
Bench press
A classic! Lie on a bench with either an EZ or barbell bar grasped firmly in both hands by palms facing outwards. Position yourself so that you have a perfect 90-degree angle at your elbow joints – extend both arms upwards towards the ceiling above you by contracting muscles in the shoulders and triceps. Extend your arms fully, then contract them again and slowly lower back down to starting position before doing another repetition.
Bench press (variation)
A great variation of the above bench press is done with a dumbbell in each hand instead. Lie on a bench with either an EZ or barbell bar grasped firmly in both hands by palms facing outwards (holding two dumbbells vertically). Position yourself so that you have a perfect 90-degree angle at your elbow joints – extend both arms upwards towards the ceiling above you by contracting muscles in the shoulders and triceps. Extend your arms fully, then contract them again and slowly lower back down to starting position before doing another repetition.
Cat-cow stretch
This yoga stretch is a great move for your upper back and arms, especially those hard-to-tone areas in the backs of the armpits. Kneel on all fours then lower down to quadruped position with hands directly under shoulders and knees directly under hips. Inhale while arching your back upwards towards ceiling by contracting muscles in the upper back, then exhale while rounding the spine downwards into a ‘dome’ shape. Repeat this cycle 10+ times if possible before doing another variation.
Seated dumbbell curl
A classic! Sit straight up on a bench or chair with no back support (feet shoulder-width apart) and a dumbbell in each hand held firmly at arm’s length next to thighs with palms facing inward. Contract muscles in the biceps to curl both dumbbells up towards your shoulders then slowly lower them again before doing another repetition.
Seated shoulder press
This great upper body move targets the backs of the arms as well as those hard-to-tone areas in your shoulders and upper back. Sit straight up on a bench or chair with no back support (feet shoulder-width apart) and a barbell or EZ bar grasped firmly in both hands by palms facing outwards at chest height. Press upwards until elbows are level with shoulders, slowly lower back down to starting position before doing another repetition.
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How do I lose fat around my armpits?
One of the common reasons people have excess fat, which is often difficult to get rid of in different places of their body, his armpits. If you feel that you have extra fat on your armpit area, then it must be removed because it not only makes you look fatter but also affects your health adversely. Here are some best practices/tips for losing excess armpit fat:
What causes armpit fat?
The medical term for armpit fat is ‘axillary adipose tissue’. There are two types of cells present in this type of body fat which include white and brown adipose tissues. White fat is the one that stores energy, whereas brown one burns calories to produce heat.
Excess accumulation of white adipose tissue in your armpits not only makes you look fatter but also increases your risk factor for chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, etc.
Supplements to lose armpit fat
There are many supplements claiming to reduce armpit fat. However, it must be kept in mind that supplements alone cannot help you lose weight and have a well-toned body. Any supplement should always be used in combination with a healthy diet plan and regular exercise program for faster weight loss results.
Home remedies to get rid of armpit fat
Apart from exercise and supplements, it is also important that you follow a healthy diet plan. A low-carbohydrate diet combined with an adequate amount of protein intake can be very helpful in burning excess body fat including the one found around your armpits. Here are some foods that help reduce armpit fat:
This fruit contains an enzyme called ‘Papain’ which can help break down proteins. You can make a homemade papaya face mask and apply it on the affected armpit area for reducing excess body fat.
This is another home remedy you can use to get rid of that extra fat around your armpits very easily. Slice a fresh cucumber into thin slices and place them onto the affected areas after dipping them in pure cold water for 10-15 minutes several times during the day. This will reduce skin irritation as well as tighten your skin!
It contains an antioxidant, lycopene, which helps improve blood flow and provides relief from discomfort caused by excessive sweating beneath your arms. Simply rub some tomato juice onto the affected armpit area for getting rid of excess body fat.
Lemon juice
The high level of vitamin C present in lemon juice, when applied on your underarms, makes you sweat and lose extra water weight almost immediately after its application. To get rid of that stubborn armpit fat, simply apply some fresh lemon juice to the affected areas before heading out for a workout session.
These are some quick ways through which you can reduce your armpit fat within a very short time period!
Diet to lose armpit fat
There are many diet plans for losing excess armpit fat, but the basic principle to follow is cutting down on your calorie intake. You can switch to a low-carbohydrate diet combined with an adequate amount of protein intake for faster weight loss results. Also, keep yourself well hydrated by consuming enough water throughout the day.
The medicine you can take to lose armpit fat
There are a lot of medicines available in the market that promises to reduce armpit fat, but it would always be better that you consult your doctor before trying any over-the-counter anti-cellulite product. He/she can recommend you some specific medicine for getting rid of this stubborn body fat which is known to not respond positively to diet and exercise alone.
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